Sunday, July 18, 2010

Burgers and things....

Some interesting foods and things that I've encountered and made these past couple of days. Enjoy!


Boston cream pie was a thumbs down for me.  The ice cream portion was really sweet, but I was told the little cake pieces really did taste like the pie.  Oh well, Cherry Garcia is still my favorite Ben and Jerry's flavor! The Johnny's was a thumbs in the middle.  It wasn't fantastic, but it wasn't bad at all. A bit overly salty, but once you got past that with a large glass of water, it tasted pretty good.

Turkey Burger with sauteed onions and mushrooms
(turkey mixed with chopped parsley, green onion, garlic, pepper, & salt)

I had some ciabatta buns and ground turkey in the fridge, so decided to whip together some healthy burgers for lunch! Throw in an egg with everything nice that is getting mixed in with the meat and you're ready to grill some burgers.  Also, while you're at it saute up some nice crimini mushrooms and onions to top it off. Yum!

Froyo time!

Churn, churn, churn!


Frozen Yogurt
- 3 cups strained yogurt or Greek-style yogurt
- 2/3 cup sugar
  • Mix together the yogurt and sugar. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Freeze in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Obon dances remind me of summers back at home in Hawaii.  I lived a block away from a temple and on summer nights I would hear the pounding of the taiko drums and the sound of Japanese singing.  It was fun watching everyone dance and the weather was great!

Seattle Bon Odori!


Obon dancing!

So cute!

Summer is in full swing and I am enjoying these long days.  Hope you all are having a great summer as well!

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